overlooked / forgotten / remembered details.
I left on the seminar room table, Maurice van Es, his now will not be with us forever (2015), open to the volume textures of childhood.
These are details from photos in a family album, only of textures (e.g., of a sofa or carpet). The book is described at his website.
See also his instagram @mauricevanes.
Mention this especially relating to Eileen’s project.
opposites, transformations, sides...
relating in particular to Andrea’s work, but potentially to anyone’s.
View of slate, showing transformations of pointing to a that, that is a this when page turned, that suggests the next that, which becomes a this, and so on. The idea here — associational, but maybe logical too — is the notion of “facets,” of anything, ideas, colors (black, white, gray, warm gray cool gray earl gray... coffee...). Simple idea, but executed with some discipline.
This relates to parataxis/hypotaxis (see bottom of earlier blog post); also to reversals (two faces of a coin: George Washington, general and president (one side), slave owner the other... etc etc.
Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) / wikipedia
Two passages came up, the first from Worstward Ho (1983) —
“All of old. Nothing else ever. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”aside — Tiffany Gill used this passage in her design thesis work,
seminar blog (Spring 2012)
and something done earlier (same material)
and the poem “What is the Word” which you can find here.
with regard to facets, or words, ideas, meanings... the chapter The Whiteness of the Whale, in Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick or, The Whale (1851) came up. Here it is at:
Internet Archive; and
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