Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Deja Vu

I went to this cool furniture place called Deja Vu in Londonderry, NH this weekend. Here's the link for anyone who's interested (https://dejavufurniture.com/). 

Though they refurbish furniture, it feels much more like an antique store or museum inside. My uncle knows the guy who owns the place and thought it was totally up my alley (which it was). While here, I took some photographs. I wanted these images simply to have them, but also to use as raw materials in potential collages. Here's a few unedited photos:

These three images were all edited in some way.

This one is a combination of red items in the store. While working on this, it made me think of how my Auntie Kate and I got lost in New York and some of my nighttime Boston adventures with friends (North End, songs we listen to in the car, etc.).

This one is cropped in. While working on this, it made me think about my Papa (dad's side) and his history working with trucks.

This one is brighter and more saturated than the original. It makes me think of Rantoul Street with its neon lights. The cracked white paint reminded me of my grandparents' house (dad's side again) and some of the stuff inside that house, like this bowl of plastic pears my Nana had for some reason.

I've noticed that as I've worked with collage over the course of the semester, I've been letting the images guide me. I'll flip through a magazine or look through some photographs I took and see what they remind me of. The memories that come from seeing are the catalyst for the work.

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