Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A walk down memory lane? Journeys 1-5

Side by side comparisons of the first five journeys: what is supposedly real vs. what is remembered. As I walk, I make mental notes of my surroundings. So far, I've kept a log marking data from my phone and the things I tend to remember. I will visualize these notes in the following journeys.


  1. these shapes, in parataxis !
    yours (drawn) read almost as symbols, a visual symbol/mnemonic for that day's outing.

    earlier today, wondered — this quite speculative, and impossible — if there might be a third dimension, of lines spiraling upward from the flat plane, mapping or marking your imaginings, mental wanderings triggered by (perhaps) but not constrained by the location... as if a bird's trajectory up, across grid lines...

    those cartesian grid lines, that erase or ignore or dismiss anything that isn't cartesian and productive and capitalist etc etc etc...


  2. p.s.,
    maybe of interest — his runs, and his (Michael Szpakowski) annotations thereon —
    for example
